Sunday, March 29, 2020

Funny English Learning Commercial

Funny English Learning CommercialThere are many ways to teach English, but a funny English learning commercial can be the best. If you are teaching English in a classroom, an English learning commercial can be the perfect way to teach the language.There are many reasons that people want to learn English. These people want to learn English because they want to travel and visit other countries or get a better job. So, how do you make them laugh when they are learning the language?The answer is easy; make it fun. Most commercials are about something, but make it a race to see who can give the most hilarious example of how to speak the language. One idea is to do a funny example for one word at a time.Of course, if you have to use an entire sentence, then you have to make it worth the audience's while. This means that you can use puns. They are almost always funny, and they will keep your audience entertained. They also come in handy when you want to teach slang.When you want to teach so meone how to talk correctly, then you can make them use slang by saying words in their natural accent. Also, you can make them sound foreign with accents and slang words, like 'bomb,' 'goddamn,' 'twenty,' 'dummy,' 'motherfucker,' and others. To really take this a step further, you can add some zingers, like 'What does a fish have to do with English?'However, there is one reason why I recommend a special English learning commercial. It makes the lesson fun, it gives the audience a break from the learning process, and it breaks up long lessons. And, when you break up the long lesson, it makes it easier for them to study.You should be able to find a funny English learning commercial with a high school age audience. And, you can find one with teenagers, college students, or even adults.If you choose to create a special English learning commercial, I would encourage you to go all out. Give the audience different examples of how to talk in English. Plus, if you show off how many words and phrases are in the language, then they will be smiling as they sit and watch the ad.

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